

频道:星座 日期: 浏览:1305




I was born on 1992,so in Chinese lunar month,I was born on the year of monkey,so I'm a "monkey".Because of that,I really like a monkey sometimes.

I love to do sports,my classmates said I just as smart as a monkey.I run very fast,nobody can catch me,I'm very happy about that!I'm outgoing and active,that's another point to show I like a monkey.And I'm quick mind and clever,you can see that I like to answer teachers' questions on the class.

But I also have short commings.I'm careless and forgetful.I know I have to change.This is the short comming of a monkey too.

Anyway,I am a good student.Remember me,a smart student who likes a monkey!

英语作文我自己 年龄,生肖,家乡,兴趣爱好,优缺点,愿望,努力方向

I am a 12- year -old school boy, I study in an

International school, I study hard at school becaust I want to do well in my

lessons, I am good at all the subjects but I like P.E best of all, I often play

baskets with my classmates after class, sports can make me wise and healthy, I

want to be a basketball player in the future. I also like collecting stamps, I

have about 500 stamps now. there are 5 people in my family, my grandparents , my

parents and I, they love me and I love them very much. We live in Eeijing, there

are many places of interest in Beijing, welcome to Beijing !


Hi everyone. My name is...my first name is...and my family name is ...I was born in ...,and my chinese zodiac is...大家好,我叫...我的名字是...我的姓是...我出生在...年,我的生肖是...

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