
红烧鱼用英语 红烧鱼用英语介绍

频道:餐饮百科 日期: 浏览:1508

红烧鱼的特色介绍The fish, also known as the river group, no scales, color was yellow and black, jade amber light, giving a translucent sense Less thorn, fleshy, delicious, tender as fat, the entrance;carbonado #716kɑrb#601#712nedo, #712nɑ 词的英文解释a piece of meat or fish that has been scored and broiled 当然cook fish也可以,都是从词霸上查得~ 希望对你有帮助;还有一种是叫做poach,这种中文翻译是水煮,但是又不同于boil的水煮,如果你要介绍红烧鱼的话,它的做法就是这个再来说味道酸sour 甜sweet 苦bitter 辣hotspicy 麻西餐不会用到sichuan pepper,应该很少有。

红烧鱼是我最喜欢的菜,每年年夜饭都必不可少,寓意年年有余用英语Braised fish is my favorite dish It is necessary to have in family reunion dinner every year, it implies having a surplus year after;Grilled fish 烧鱼 carbonado 烧肉,烧鸡,烧鱼vt烧,烘,烤。

“春节时我们要吃烤é 红烧鱼 水饺 莲藕 糖果和汤”用英语这样说“During the Spring Festival, we will have roast goose, braised fish, dumplings, lotus root, candy and soup”;barbecue 烧烤 红烧在英文中应该没有对应词汇,因为欧美并不存在红烧这个厨艺 stew可以指用小火加水慢慢炖 fry类似于油炸 不知道你这个烧鱼究竟是什么意思,应该可以用到上miàn的表达fāng式。


stew fish 炖鱼 boiled fish 水煮鱼 braised fish 焖鱼 grilled fish 烤鱼,用那种烧烤网来考的 toast fish 也是烤鱼,丢到炉zi里考 fried fish 红烧鱼,就是翻炒加调料 这些是基本词汇,有些餐馆用的词比较独特,不常用。

红烧鱼用英语 红烧鱼用英语介绍

Braised fish in soy sauce is the basic craft of Chinese dish The distinguishing characteristics are it looks red and glossy, rich in smell and thick in gravy Both sides of the fish slice must be fried;A, after kills the fish to wipe the salt, the seasoning, wipes explodes the powder inundate approximately half to an hourB, the hot pot puts the oil, the oil puts the fish hotly, the slow fire or;1土dòu切 四fāng小 块,放热油里炸,炸到半金 黄色捞出这样作土dòu炖过后会很糯但不 烂 2牛肉切小 块先 加工一下 让它比较容易烂,我从一本书上学的是用泡 开的茶根一会炖牛肉的时候放在锅里一起炖。

红烧鱼用英语 红烧鱼用英语介绍






